Saturday, February 19, 2011

Does Anyone Know???

Does anyone know where sweet, beautiful, friendly Princess Luna is???


  1. Haven't seen her dis year. Maybe she wents to da big pawty dat Asta is having????

  2. Mom and me wuz thinkin' 'bouts her today too. Haven't heard from her in a long time. :(

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  3. I hope she and her family are doing well and not blogging is just due to busy times for them!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  4. I miss Luna too!! I think she posted around Christmas and that was the furst one in Months.

  5. I just sent Luna and Sid an email. I told them that they are missed. I remember that Sid had a sicky poop shooter. I hope that situation hasn't gotten WORSE.
    You are a grrrreat furend fur reminding us that one of our Dear Furends is.. MIA.

  6. We'll have to stop by & remind her that we miss her.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  7. I haven't met her yet but Sissy say she is very sweet so I can't wait for her to come back and Sid looks like he'd be a great buddy.

    I stole Mommy's cherry yogart last night when she went to answer the phone. I's in trouble now. Can my girls put in a good word for me? She gives us plain yogart so what's the differnce, just a few cherries and it was Yummylicious. So far no poop shooter problems becuase of it...Yet!!

    Love my girls lots.......Weenie
