Sunday, June 26, 2011

We Got a Surprise Today!

Sometimes our parents surprise us and actually are pretty cool. Today they gave us a GREAT gift! They gave us the gift of...

In the form of a pet door!

This is the outside view.

Hey Mil! Hey Shelb! haha!

Haha! Two at one time!

ps- Mom def tried to fit through here and DOES! haha! She said it is a good thing this come with a locking door on it AND that it is on the outside of a regular door- otherwise it would freak her out.

pps- We won't tell you how long it took for them to hang this door.

ppss- And we def won't tell you that they bought the wrong size door at first and had to go back and get this one.

oops. haha!

ps- Mom says to be fair we have to tell that Shelby HATES to go in and out through this thing because she doesn't like to use her face to push it open and Milly doesn't care because she pushes it with her front paw and walks on through.


  1. I LOVE that door!!! You two are soooooo lucky that "they FINALLY got the RIGHT Size".
    You can now play the Belly Button game... You know that one don't you???

    Inny Outty Inny Outty

  2. awesome! and stairs, so cool
    Benny & Lily

  3. Woo Hooo that is just Pawsome!

    Mil, you will just have to teach Shelby how to use her paw to open the doxie door!

    woos, Tessa

  4. A doxie door! How wonderful!

    Thank you for your kind words on our blog. Molly passed in her sleep this morning so, thankfully, she made "the" decision for us.

    Love -

    Sarah and Hank

  5. okay, I am so jealous...I want a door too!!!!!
    Mum has been asking dad to get us one cuz her is tired of opening and closing da door a million times a day.

    Lovin' da steps too!

    Mum says thanks fur willing to help...her has FINALLY figured out da fotos..but we will be sure to ask your mom if we has any more problems.


  6. I've been begging for one of those, but the two indoor cats that live here with me make it a no-no.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  7. miss shelby 'n miss milly!

    whoa! look at your totally spiffy new doggie door! yuppers, ya'll are lucky duckies to have the freedoms like that!! i am way jelly...i want one! teehee.
    miss milly, you need to show your sis how to use her paw to open the door so she doesn't have to stick her face in it. ;)

    the booker man

    pee s -- my mama so would have tried to fit through the doggie door like your mama did!! :D
