Tuesday, August 2, 2011

We Left It

Well, we left the computer at our Gma's... actually, Mom left it. We had nothing to do with it because we were with Dad at home for the weekend and Mom went to Gma's by herself. So, we were not ignoring anyone and we missed you all terribly! We have gone to some blogs already and plan to visit more now!


  1. Don't worry I gots lots of time and I will be waitin for the puters return. I miss you both too.

    woos, Tessa

  2. BOL! Mom does things like that ;) Too funny.

    Waggin at ya,

  3. hehehe Is YOUR mom MY mom's Twin or somethingy?? BaaaaaWaaaaah

    I hope you get your YapStop back soon.

  4. Our peeps are always leaving stuff somewhere else! Hey, maybe your Mom should put a leash on the 'puter! BOL!

    The Road Dogs

  5. Oh bummer! Hope you're reunited with your computer soon.
