Saturday, July 24, 2010

Uh, Mom...

"Uh, Mom... why are all my toys in a bag?"
I told you, Mil, we're moving.

"Oh. That explains why the dining room looks like this..."
Exactly, Mil. Smart girl. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Edited Pictures and Some News

*Make sure you click on the pictures to see the larger versions! :)

We want to let everyone know that we will be very busy this weekend because we are moving (a.k.a. getting a new yard and new squirrels to terrorize!!!). We will get to as many of your blogs as possible!! Hope everyone have a very weinderful, fun, safe weekend!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Look

Ok, so the thing we got our background from said it was going away... so we got a new one! AND we put our own picture at the top as the header! We are super excited! Now you know exactly who we are as soon as you get to our blog! :)

How do ya like our pajamas? We don't actually wear them... but Mom think they're cute! lol

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


you just need to stay inside and enjoy the air conditioning and a nice fluffy pillow!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Just Hangin Out

Here's me, the Mil, just hanging out in the yard with a toy and a stick. I sure do LOVE summer time! :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

One year ago today we "officially" became a family. 
We love our parents and are so excited for their first anniversary!

Happy First Anniversary, Mom and Dad! We love you!!

Your Sweet Girls
Your MilMil Plopper Girl
Your Shelby Ann Cobra Wobra BeBe Berson
Your MilShelb SilShelb Sweet Peets

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday Blog Hop

Wow! We almost didn't get to hop this week... Mom has been very busy and very tired. Those two things do not make a good combination to hop... but they do combine for a great cuddle time for a short nap! We love to nap with Mom!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Our Parents


We found this cool idea and decided to participate!! We are so excited to share about our parents.

This is our Dad. His name is Jake. He is 24 and graduated from the University of South Carolina with a degree in Economics. Mom says he is very smart. We just think he's pretty darn cool! He worked a lot in college, but is about to start a new job. We don't like the idea, but Mom is very excited! :)
Our Dad is a huge football fan. In our house there are only 2 teams that matter: The Carolina Gamecocks and the Dallas Cowboys!

This is our Mom. Her name is Maggie and she is also 24 years old. She is 12 days younger than our Dad. She is going to be starting her first year teaching full-time this year. She is very excited! She'll be teaching second grade.
Our Mom loves to shop, paint, and her favorite color is pink! She likes to read and spend time curled up on the couch with us. Her favorite part of the day is when she comes home to us because we are always so excited to see her!

We live in good ol' South Carolina! We were born and raised in South Carolina and so were our parents. Mom loves South Carolina. She says she was born a southern girl for a reason... because she loves warm weather and slow-paced life. She's no city girl!

Here's a picture our parents had made last December.

This is our family on Easter. Our parents love us very much. They do a lot of what they do because of us and wanting what is best for us. We are so lucky because they put us first.

We Will Be Participating Later Today!


Where We Sleep

Well, some of you have posted pictures of where you sleep. Puddles started it! We're joining in. 
This is our bed. We let Mom and Dad sleep here, too. 
(Excuse the pee pad. It's not there anymore... gross.)
Pip asked a good question- so we're adding the answer in... you can't see it in this picture but there's a set of stairs that we use to get on the bed... though, Mom usually carries us to bed. We do use the stairs to get down sometimes though.

Here we are... ready for bed on Wednesday night.
Mom, stop taking pictures and turn off the light. It's bed time!

Milly is yawning and I'm ready for Mom to stop with the pictures.

Puddles asked a good question, too... so we're updating again. We love to burrow! As soon as Mom gets in the bed I (Shelby) go right over to her and cuddle up next to her under the covers. Milly makes a bee-line for the end of the bed under the covers... at some point in the night she gets too hot and sleep walks to the top of the bed where she "plops" down in between Mom and Dad's pillows. 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Be the Change For Animals!

Blog the Change

We know there are so many animals that need homes and so many that are in shelters. We have met some who came from very bad situations and it made us very sad for them. We have seen so many horrible stories of poor sad animals who have been abused or neglected or abandoned. We are so sad for them. Mom says one day we will get a shelter dog. We aren't so keen on the idea, just because we're bossy! But, we do like the idea of helping other animals. We even let Mom foster a dog one time. (Then she wanted to keep it and it turned into a big issue, so we are not fostering any more.)
There are lots of ways to help shelters and rescue groups though! You can donate food and old towels or blankets. You can donate your time. Of course, you can adopt an animal.
We hope that one day all of this sadness will change... but we know that nothing will happen if our 2-leggers don't go do something about it!

Here's us with our Dad (taken about a year or so ago). 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Joke's on Mom

Ok. This is the only good one you get today, Mom.

I warned you.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sweet Me

Sweet Me... Sweet Mil

Saturday, July 10, 2010



Hello! MilShelb here! We hope everyone is having a wonderful, weinderful Saturday! We are! We want to tell everyone we are so sorry for not being able to visit as many blogs as usual the last few days. Mom has been super busy with trying to find somewhere for us to live when we move and she has been busy buying tons of books for her new classroom. We love when she brings home the books because they smell like all sorts of other people and places. It's very interesting!!

Last night we had a CRAZY storm! A HUGE tree in our backyard came down. We were scared. the wind was so bad and the lights kept flickering on and off. Crazy, huh?

Us looking at the tree outside.

The bottom of the tree... where it broke off.

The bottom of the tree and the tree stump.

Mom took this picture this morning. Look how BIG that tree is!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm Hiding

Do you see me?

How about now?

Here I am! I was hiding!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

You Tell Me

What do all of these pictures have in common?? HaHa!!