Friday, July 20, 2012

Living Room is FINISHED!

This is the new picture wall! I (Shelby) directed them as to where to put the pictures.

This is the back of the living room!

This is the side of the living room.

This is the window wall of the living room.

Here's me (Shelby) hanging out in the new living room!

Now, maybe we can actually have a few days of vacation!!

Also, Wednesday was our family's third anniversary for being an official family!!


  1. Oh it looks just wonderful! I easpecially loves da pikture wall. Shelby done a good job directing as to where they should go.
    We is currently workin' on our pikture wall on da stairway.


  2. I love that photo wall and the window treatment! Happy three weeks!

  3. We loves the pictures! Mom has a bunch in the stairwell and all overs the place at our house!

    Sam and Pippen

  4. What a beautiful job you did Shelby, we're very impressed! Yes, a vacation is now in order for all of you. Just curl up on the couch, grab a blanket and watch a good chick flick.

    Happy Anniversary! Now that deserves a good celebration.

    Lily Belle

  5. THAT is just BEAUTIFUL. The bestest pawt is how you had them place the pictures though, Shelby.

  6. Shelby,
    Your interior decorating skills are remarkable! Martha Stewart has some competition now!

    Happy 3rd Anniversary!
