Sunday, December 23, 2012

Post Vet Posty

Here I am sleeping it off. Benedryl sure does make you sleepy!

Here's Shelby... also sleeping, but just because she's lazy.

Ok. Ok. Maybe I'm lazy, too. 

Are you getting excited for Christmas?! We can't wait! We have lots of presents for other people at our house but we can't find any with our name on it. There'd better be some SOON!


  1. No pressies yet!!! And you are on the NICE LIST, right??? Time to poop in someone's shoes..that'll get their attention.

  2. Awwwwwww sleep and rest up after that Dogtor visit .

    OF COURSE there is nothing with your names on them... SANTA PAWS will bring YOUR stuffs.

    Merry Christmas to You Two and All those that you LOVE.

  3. you are in a very deep sleep
    Benny & Lily

  4. Merry Christmas ladies. Hope you got those pressies.

    Sniff ya later Weenie

  5. Time to poop in someone's shoes..that'll get their attention.. Challenge coins
