Friday, December 23, 2011

Our Mom Has a Request

Our Mom has a request. If you ever sign petitions, please go HERE and sign this one. There are gas chambers in South Carolina and it just breaks our Mom's heart.

Thanks for your help!


  1. Hey Milly and Shelby. This is unfortunate. Most shelters here in the Philippines also do that kind of euthanizing. I am against it but the problem is, that's the painless more cheaper alternative of euthanizing unwanted doggies and kitties.

    I've been thinking of other ways of how to stop this, but I am running out of ideas.

    I hope signing the petition your mom requested is enough for now.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  2. Mom just signed the petition. We hope it helps.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie MAe

  3. Oh Girrrrrls it is just SO like the two of you... to be thinkin of Others . SIGH
    I will be glad to add my name to the list.
    May you have a Very Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah .

  4. Oh yea, Mom went tight over there and signed.

    That is just the WORST thing! Thank you for letting us know!

    Happy Howlidays!

    Hugs an Woos, Tessa

  5. Oh my... gas chambers. I'd never heard about using them for dogs. That is inhuman!

    Nevertheless wishing you a Happy Christmas!
