Hi! My name is Shelby Ann Cobra. I'm the "Shelb" in "MilShelb". MilShelb is what my parents call us... me and my sister, Milly. I'm almost 3. My birthday is April 9th. I'm a silver dapple miniature dachshund. My sister is a red creme miniature dachshund. We're litter mates.
I'd say I'm a pretty fun girl. I'm loud and crazy. I get mad when I don't get my way and I pout or do things to punish my parents. My mom and dad say I'm "too much" but they always say it laughing so I guess it's ok to be "too much" sometimes. I'm a tiny girl. I love to be outside. I run and run. My favorite thing to do is sit in the house on the arm of the couch and look for squirrels in the backyard. Then, as soon as I see one, I run to the back door and DEMAND to be let out! Milly goes along with me and normally turns in circles until someone opens the door. Of course, my parents are so slow that by the time I FINALLY get out in the yard that stupid squirrel is up a tree. One day I will catch him! I just know it!
When I'm not trying to get the squirrel, I love to take naps. I especially love it when my mom takes naps with me. Dad doesn't take naps... he's no fun! haha
Where we live it is normally warm- but this winter was COLD! It even snowed. I'll post a picture to prove it.

Milly really liked the snow. She kept eating it like it was her own huge bowl of shaved ice. I really didn't get out in it much. It was just too cold.
Anyhow, I suppose that's all for tonight. This Shelb of The MilShelb is headed to bed.